
disease prevention for the high risk group

Disease Prevention for the High Risk Group  

Interventions aimed at early diagnosis and appropriate management for reducing morbidity and mortality targeting people who suffer from high risks due to hypertension, obesity, high blood lipid and glucose levels.

a) Reorienting the Public Health Delivery system

System strengthening at the primary, secondary level and tertiary level. HealthCare  providers at all levels will be  mobilized and trained to involve in risk detection and screening viz. blood pressure checks, recommending lifestyle modifications, dissemination of information and referring for further management.

b) Setting up Special Clinics  

Special clinic for Diabetes/Cardiovascular / heart, stroke / paralysis disease will be established at the District Hospital. Services of Private Practitioners may be taken for this clinic as a visiting consultant. The clinic will do the screening and will also provide the management. Difficult and complicated will be referred to tertiary care centre or the nearby Medical College. 

c) Harnessing the Private Sector

To correct the imbalance towards care using high cost, low technologies and use of more cost effective interventions.

d) Specific interventions at the tertiary level to enhance capacity to respond to the needs of NCD

It has been established that prompt intervention to manage a cardiac / heart event can reduce mortality to a large extent. Identification of a referral centre and strengthening the linkage to the nearest referral centre at the tertiary/secondary level and strengthening of the centre through provision of necessary infrastructure and manpower.

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Biology: disease prevention for the high risk group
Reference No:- TGS0328654

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