
disease and pathogenesisdisease management is a

Disease and Pathogenesis

Disease management is a complex and challenging undertaking. Not only are new pathogens and treatments constantly being discovered by effective disease management requires the recognition.and understanding of complex clinical presentations, knowledge of multiple differential diagnosis, familiarity with laboratory and 'diagnostic evaluations and ability to critically analyze findings to determine an appropriate course of action.

Infection follows the invasion of cells or tissues by living microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi. These are known as pathogens. Once a pathogen gains access to a susceptible host, a time knows as the incubation period passes before the clinical symptoms of infection appear. During this period the organism is establishing itseIf, spreading to target organs or tissues and proliferating within various areas of the body.

An infection may be localized (having a focal point symptoms or injury) or generalized (having systemic involvement) and its course may be acute or chronic.

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Biology: disease and pathogenesisdisease management is a
Reference No:- TGS0176869

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