
Discussions on fluid statics


Choose the correct answer or state not enough information if the answer could depend on circumstances not specified.  Justify your answer in each case.  If there isn’t enough information, explain that as well.  In all cases the objects are touching the walls of the beakers, and they touch the bottom only if they sink.

1) Two objects of mass 250g each are placed in two identical beakers with identical amounts of water.  The objects are different: one floats and the other sinks.  Which beaker shows a larger rise in level, the one with the floater, the one with the sinker, or both the same?

2) Now the floater is placed in yet another identical beaker, filled to the same level, but with oil(oil floats in water).  It still floats.  Does the level rise more, less or the same as when the same floater was placed in water?

3) Now the floater is placed in yet another identical beaker, filled to the same level, but with alcohol(alcohol floats in water).  Now it sinks.  Does the level rise more, less or the same as when the same floater was placed in oil?

4) Now the sinker is attached to a string to a half inflated (with air) balloon.  The whole assembly now has a mass of 251g.  The system is placed in the same beaker it was before(with the same water) and it floats with the balloon almost entirely under water. Does the level rise more, less or the same as when the same sinker was alone in the beaker ?

5) Now the balloon is inflated with air with the sinker still attached, and the system is again placed in the same beaker (the beaker is big enough for the balloon not to touch he lips.)  The system floats with a small fraction of the balloon under water.  Does the level rise (at least slightly) more, (at least slightly) less or (exactly) the same as it did with the half inflated balloon?

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Physics: Discussions on fluid statics
Reference No:- TGS01886580

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