

Discussion: Analyzing leadership (Focused Debate) It is not enough to be able to recognize leaders; rather, the key is to be able to size up such individuals and to assess what gives them that stature. Their leadership might be rooted in personal virtue or in almost superhuman athletic ability or in a silver tongue that can persuade any and all who hear it. Alternatively, their leadership may be stunted by over-reliance upon a single gift or upon gifts that only apply within a limited scope of situations. In this Debate, you will consider what makes a given leader great as well as what hinders him or her.

To complete this Debate: Post: Select a leader, whether in your organization, neighbourhood or in wider society. Describe how the leader came to his or her position and vision. Describe three traits or qualities that help the leader share that vision with his or her followers and offer examples of each trait or quality.

Also describe a limitation that hurts the leader's ability to lead. Weighing these factors, assess whether you believe the leader will be able to stay in leadership as a result. Your document should have 500+ words

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Management Theories: Discussionanalyzingleadershipfocuseddebate
Reference No:- TGS01514747

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