
Discussion topic is bottled water better than other

Discussion Topic: Is bottled water better than other drinking water sources? Is it better for you? Is it better for the environment?

Create a post that takes a position (agree or disagree) on the topic and back it up with at least one outside peer-reviewed (or scholarly) source. Make sure that your opinion is exactly one (quality) paragraph followed by your supporting information (one quality paragraph), and citation (you need to have APA references at the end as well as APA in-text citations in the paragraph), see the discussion example in the Content tab as well as the Discussion post grading rubric (5 criteria). Your post should use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Plagiarism is NOT acceptable, writing must be your own or paraphrased and referenced appropriately. You must use APA citation style for your references and in-text citations. Wikipedia and news articles do not count as a peer-reviewed source. Posts that are not in the proper format will receive no/reduced credit.

We will disqualify comments that are too short, rude, or otherwise inappropriate for a class at the University of Arizona. However, you will not be graded down for intelligently disagreeing with the instructor or others. We encourage intelligent debate or disagreement with the instructor, other students, or text. We hope to have honest and interesting discussions; however, you must not be abusive, derogatory or profane in your posts.

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Dissertation: Discussion topic is bottled water better than other
Reference No:- TGS02179734

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