
Discussion-the aftermath of the manchester suicide attack

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Current Threats & The Radi

The twenty-minute The Radicalization Puzzle video is based on a homeland security publication on the radicalization of extremists and is timely given today the nation's recent experience with the mass shooting in Oregon at Umpqua Community College. At the time, it was suggested, it was the worst terrorist incident since 2001, an Islamist agenda inspired attack in San Bernardino. Since then, the nation has witnessed a series of ISIS inspired attacks both in the homeland and in Europe.

Dr. Mohammad Hafez of the Naval Postgraduate School examines the driving factors behind the process of radicalization, turning seemingly ordinary men and women into potential terrorists such as is emerging with the attackers of San Bernardino.

Dr. Hafez, not limiting his analysis to Islamist extremists, mentions the Charleston incident as another type of extremist view the nation finds itself confronted with on a nearly daily basis. A matrix is presented to help us examine and understand this complex issue.

After viewing the video, select a recent incident conducted in the homeland, research the perps and see if your analysis offers validityto Dr. Hafez's radicalization puzzle. For example, use the Boston Marathon bombers where there is much open source material or even more recent terrorists such as Farook and Malik. Post your findings in the discussion and label it so others can see your post.

May 23, 2017: in the aftermath of the Manchester England suicide attack

As an adjunct to this discussion in the aftermath of the Manchester suicide attack, listen to this six-minute interview of Profession Alan Dershowitz on Fox News the morning of May 23, 2017 and his analysis of terrorists. Listen to his views but he purported to be liberal on many civil/legal issues.

Q: Add to the discussion butwhat does Dershowitz's analysis of terrorism tell us about Hafez's radicalization model?

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Other Subject: Discussion-the aftermath of the manchester suicide attack
Reference No:- TGS01963793

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