
Discussion symbiosis between bacteria and other species

Discussion: Symbiosis between bacteria and other species. Some bacteria can harm other organisms. However relations between certain bacteria and particular species can be cooperative. That's our topic for this discussion.

Pick one of the following topics and write a primary post of at least 125 words addressing that topic. Also, please make a substantive reply to one of your fellow students.

Discussion Question 1. Gearin (2016) describes cooperative relationships between different species of microscopic organisms called syntrophy. Answer the following two questions about this arrangement: (a) What are the main characteristics of their partnership? (b) How does each species benefit?

Discussion Question 2. An article by Crandell (2012) describes the relationship between horses and the microscopic organisms that live in their cecum and colon. Answer the following two questions about this arrangement: (a) What are the main characteristics of the relationship between horses and their intestinal microbes? (b) What are the implications for keeping the horse healthy?

Discussion Question 3. The Giant Tubeworm (Riftia pachyptila) is an animal which houses endosymbiotic bacteria in a special structure (Kusek, 2007; Deep Marine Scenes, 2013). Answer the following two questions about this arrangement: (a) What are the main characteristics of the relationship between a Giant Tubeworm and the bacteria it houses? (b) How does each species benefit?

Discussion Question 4. In a 4 minute video clip (iBioEducation, 2013), Bonnie Bassler explains the relationship between the Hawaiian Bobtail squid and it's endosymbiont, the bacterium Vibrio fisheri. Answer the following two questions about this arrangement: (a) What are the main characteristics of the partnership between these two species? (b) How do members of each species benefit?


Crandell, K. (2012, January 3). Balancing the microbes in the horse's digestive tract. Equinews. https://www.equinews.com/article/balancing-microbes-horses-digestive-tract

Deep Marine Scenes. (2013). Facts: Giant tube worms. [Video]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IddCPTnmj4Q

Gearin, C. (2016, April 20). The search for superorganisms. Retrieved from https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/next/evolution/superorganisms/

iBioEducation (2013). Quorum sensing in bacteria - Bonnie Bassler. [Video clip]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LebqwdQSFHE

Kusek, K. M. (2007, January 12). Deep-sea tubeworms get versatile 'inside' help. Oceanus Magazine. Retrieved from https://www.whoi.edu/oceanus/feature/deep-sea-tubeworms-get-versatile-inside-help

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Biology: Discussion symbiosis between bacteria and other species
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