
Discussion-sustainability performance measures


Discussion-Sustainability Performance Measures

Strategic sustainability planning covers purposes and benefits, SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis for

strategic sustainability planning, tactical plans, goals and indicators for goal achievement, and setting metrics and indicators to goals. In

strategic sustainability planning, it is important to address issues of goal clarity and reasons for failure to deliver performance.

In this assignment, you will examine reasons for measuring sustainability performance and achieving goals. In addition, you will define sustainability goals, targets, indicators, and metrics using performance indices such as Global Environmental Management Initiative's (GEMI) metrics for tracking performance.

Use online library resources and the Internet to research and analyze sustainability performance measures at Starbucks Coffee Company. Determine which sustainability performance measures are being or might be used at Starbucks.

One or more of the following measures should be addressed:

Financial indicators•

CSR indicators•

Measures of effectiveness at meeting goals•

Operational performance indicators related to internal conditions•

Sustainability condition indicators related to factors outside the organization•

Leading and lagging indicators•

By Thursday, March 14,22015Write your initial response in 300-500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation Initial response was:

• Insightful, original, accurate, and timely.

Substantive and demonstrated advanced understanding of concepts.•

Compiled/synthesized theories and concepts drawn from a variety of sources to support statements and conclusions.•


Wrote in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner.•

Responses were error free.•

• Information from sources, where applicable, was paraphrased appropriately and accurately cited.

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Microeconomics: Discussion-sustainability performance measures
Reference No:- TGS01822723

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