
Discussion-statistics-hypothesis and research strategies


Canadian Diversity

Choose one Canadian ethnic group to research from the following list:

• Aboriginal Canadians

• Arab Canadians

• Black Canadians

• Chinese Canadians

• East Indian Canadians

• Japanese Canadians

• Jewish Canadians

• Korean Canadians

• Sikh Canadians

• Vietnamese Canadians

Write a brief history of this Canadian ethnic group.

1. Find at least three separate statistics (demographic characteristics) related to this ethnic group and attempt to explain their significance for social scientists.

2. Using the terms and characteristics described in previous activities, identify any examples of prejudice that this ethnic group may have experienced.

3. Identify the cultural contributions that this group has made to Canadian society as a whole.

4. What are three possible questions that an anthropologist might ask about this ethnic group?

5. What are three possible questions that a psychologist might ask about the experiences of individuals from this ethnic group?

6. What are three possible questions that sociologist might ask about this ethnic group?

7. Choose one of the questions that might be asked by a psychologist, anthropologist or sociologist and turn it into a hypothesis. Explain how you would test this hypothesis. What method(s) would you use to collect your data? What kinds of primary and secondary sources would you use? And finally, what would you do to ensure that your research was as bias free as possible?

This report should not exceed 3 pages, double spaced. KU- accuracy of information, use of specific details

T- research sources, discussion of statistics, hypothesis and research strategies

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Basic Statistics: Discussion-statistics-hypothesis and research strategies
Reference No:- TGS01957997

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