Discussion question - clinical manifestations of aids - how

Discussion Question - Clinical Manifestations of AIDS

Described the progression of AIDS, from the initial infection with HIV to the late stages of the disease. There are a number of interesting questions to explore. There are also quite a few symptoms and opportunistic infections that are characteristic of AIDS. In this discussion, each of you should focus your post on one of these topics, something that you found to be of particular interest.

Below is a list of examples of topics, but you can also introduce one of your own:

1. What is going on during the asymptomatic phase of HIV infection? (Maximum-2 people with primary posts)

2. How can patients help to delay the symptomatic phase of AIDS? (Maximum-2 people with primary posts)

No more than one post for each of the following topics:

3. Exposure vs. infection

4. Infection vs. disease

5. Acute phase of infection: Mononucleus-like disease

6. Acute phase of infection: Brain infection (encephalopathy)

7. Initial disease symptoms: Wasting syndrome'

8. Initial disease symptoms: Lymphadenopathy

9. Initial disease symptoms: Neurological disease

10. Early immune failure: No more than one post per topic. Candida, shingles, hairy leukoplakia, tuberculous

11. Full blown AIDS: No more than one post per topic. Pneumocystis pneumonia, systemic mycosis, protozoal infections, toxoplasmosis, mycobacterium, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, hepatitus viruses, JC virus and nervous system damage, Kaposi's sarcoma, lymphomas, cervical cancer

Choose one of the symptoms of the progression of AIDS, or another topic on the list above. You can also find a related topic that is not on the list. You must write up something original, not merely restate what is already in the book. You can type any one of those symptoms into google and you'll probably find some articles or you-tube videos. Be sure to include HIV as a keyword in your search. Do some research on that symptom and describe it in your post. Describe what is going on in the patient's body. You might include some preventative steps or treatment for that symptom. Keep looking until you find something that is interesting to you, so it will be interesting to everyone else.

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Dissertation: Discussion question - clinical manifestations of aids - how
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