
Discussion-personal values and public health values


Personal Values and Public Health Values

To prepare for this Discussion, bring to mind the mission and vision statements you reviewed last week as well as the values you have seen exemplified in the public health field. What do you consider the main values of public health? Do you see areas of alignment between the explicit or implicit values of public health organizations and the values expressed by you and your classmates? Do you see any conflicts among them?

• Briefly explain what led you to choose public health and where you want to take your career.

• Discuss any ways in which you believe your own personal values align with the values held within the public health profession, and or in which these values might not be in alignment with your own. Consider what you are passionate about; what has framed your perspective.

Below are the reason lead me to choose public health:

Job Growth - The growth in this field over the coming years is well above the national average, and demand for workers in the field will grow. That means I w'll be able to find employment no matter what.

Improving your Community - The overall health of my community will be impacted by my efforts, which is a key reason that I choose this career.

Personal Satisfaction -knowing that I will have an impact on the health of others is something that fills me with pride and a sense of personal satisfaction.

Leadership Opportunities - In many cases a public health career will lead to a position as a leader in a particular field or a particular organization. The leadership opportunities are rewarding and abundant

Change the Health Industry - Similarly, there is a chance that I will make contributions that will change the face of medicine in general. Things like immunizations are a perfect example of what could be possible in this field. I may make a lasting impression on humanity that will last forever.

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Other Subject: Discussion-personal values and public health values
Reference No:- TGS02014728

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