
Discussion on interpretation of the gospel of luke

Assignment:Interpreting the The Gospel of Luke

I am writing a paper on interputating the Gospel of Luke, specifically: What is Luke trying to accomplish; How did the tension between Jesus' human and divine side afftect his work and his person? His mission?

After reading the Gospel I think I undersoon how it affected his work and his mission but I am confused by his person. Could you read what I have written so far and help send me in the right direct in regards to his person.

Luke's Gospel :

1) Individual: Luke's Gospel

2) Create a 250 to 500 word interpretation of the Gospel of Luke. In short, what is Luke trying to accomplish? A hint: read Luke 1. How did the tension between Jesus' human and divine side affect his work and his person? His mission?

The Gospel of Luke comes from Doctor Luke, and focuses on Jesus from his birth, to his ministry, to his death and re-birth. Luke did a lot of research before he told this gospel, he wanted to show Jesus in a human light not just as a divine being. Many people focus on who wrote the Gospel of Luke when the focus should be on the story that Luke was telling about the life of Jesus. Jesus lived on earth as a man when in fact he was a divine being, after his time on earth ended God brought him to life again to live in Heaven and watch over all human kind.

The point of the Gospel

Luke told this story so that we could understand Jesus as more than just a divine being. Jesus lived what he told people to do. In Luke Chapter , Jesus encountered the devil; the devil tried to tempt Him in many ways and every time Jesus turned him down, instead telling the devil of the love of the Lord (Life Application Study Bible, p. 1799).

Human side versus divine side

Jesus' mission

One way that Jesus struggled in his ministry was in helping people. He wanted to help from a spiritually side but people wanted help for their physical being. In Luke 5:12, a man with leporasy sought out Jesus to heal him, Jesus did and then told him not to tell anyone what had happened. The man did tell people and more people came to Jesus to be healed of their physical challenges (p. 1803). He had so many lessons he wanted to teach; in Luke chapter 6, Jesus went out to talk to the people, some of which were there to be healed. Jesus told them the pain they have now will be done in heaven and those without pain now will have pain later.

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