
Discussion of findings related to current or past service


In February, 2014, General Motors announced an ignition switch recall that included around 2.6 million vehicles worldwide. This recall ignited a great deal of controversy over the efficacy of operational practices that allowed the recall to become an issue, thus threatening the safety of GM customers and seriously eroding public trust in the organization.

Our text defines Operations Management as the design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firm's primary products and services (Jacobs & Chase, 2012). As a business analyst skilled in the area of operational excellence, you are to produce a presentation that leverages your skills in all areas of Operations Management and provides credible recommendations for improvement in the GM operational structure that is responsible for selling and servicing the vehicles involved in this critically important recall. Therefore, the scope of your review will be limited to what the corporation did and/or should have done once the fatal flaw was detected. Your review should not encompass processes upstream from the service function, which eliminates the need to analyze engineering, design, manufacturing, and assembly operations.

Your audience for this presentation will be six top GM executives responsible for activities in service operations, which includes, for purposes of this assignment, those responsible for investigating, launching, and managing product recalls. Your presentation should include:

• List of key relevant issues related to the ignition recall, including near-term and long-term negative impact.

• Discussion of findings related to current or past service / recall practices leading to the current situation.

• Recommendation for leveraging Information Technology personnel and resources to improve the recall process.

• Recommendations for improving operations and supply chain management independent of IT operations.

• Timeline for completing next steps toward an improved recall process.

Length: 15-20 slides, not including the title slide and the references slide. Listed below are some tips for your slide presentation.

1. Begin your presentation with a title slide that includes yourname. (Do not includethe NCU coversheetfor your PowerPointpresentation)

2. Use plenty of white space on the slides

3. Providea few appropriate graphics to break up the text

4. Use six bullets perslide or less

5. Use Times New Roman,28 or 32-point font

6. Use the speaker's notes area to include the information you want toshare with your audience. The speaker'snotes must be coordinated with the information onthe slides. Speaker'sNotes Length: 250-300words for each slide.

7. Be creative. Youcan add audio to the presentation if you chooseto do so; however, it isnotrequired.

8. Include references onyour final slide(s)

Your presentation should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to the topic of quality management. Your presentation should reflect professional business writing and current APA standards.

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Microeconomics: Discussion of findings related to current or past service
Reference No:- TGS01813040

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