
Discussion of fewer issues and more in depth discussion of

Remember, discussion of fewer issues and more in depth discussion of policy and legal issues associated with the issue is preferred. A vague broad discussion of many issues will yield few points.

(2.) 42 U.S. Code § 232 - National Mental Health Act of 1946.

The act made the mental health individuals a federal priority, which was inspired from those who were alarmed by poor mental health of veterans and was demanded by veterans and their families. The National Mental Health Act for a new diagnosis and treatment was created to better help those suffering from mental health problems.

Changes that need to be implemented includes better counseling for the mental patients, qualified and well-trained staff working with these individuals, additional research and better funds.

The final group project paper shall include details on how they intend to formulate, implement, finance and modify an "existing law" with their proposed health policy change as well as identifying and addressing the likely arguments of opposing concerned interest groups. Peer review journal sources and books are required to be used, cited and referenced. Authoritative sources only may be used.
External Authoritative sources are defined as books, peer reviewed journals, education and government sites as well as non-partisan national or international organizations (such as WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS etc). Newspapers including the Wall Street Journal and dot com sites are not considered authoritative for this course.

A maximum ten (10) page report shall be turned in by each Group Spokesperson as noted on the Course Schedule. Use of charts and tables are strongly encouraged but should be placed in the appendix rather than in the body of the paper. The 10 page maximum only includes the sections titled Introduction through Conclusion as defined below but does not include title page, table of contents, abstract, references or appendix. Please keep in mind a source is required on each

table/chart used and in every sentence where a number appears as well as all sentences defining terms! Additionally, each issue, question, paragraph is required to contain at least one external authoritative source to support the statements and conclusions made therein.
Required Section Headings/Content in Paper. Each paper shall include the following format. These 6 sections are required to be in the paper submitted or points will be deducted: (1) Title page (including Group#, member names and student ID'#s); (2) Introduction (discussing the global, national, state and local implications of the proposed policy then explaining how and why the group selected to focus on this particular policy and narrowing down to set forth the Group's proposed change in brief); (3) Methods (what sources were used to secure the information used in the paper (i.e., Pub Med, Medline, etc., - do not use Google or internet sites anywhere in the body of the paper. Authoritative sources are defined as books, peer reviewed journals, education and government sites as well as non-partisan national or international organizations (such as WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS etc) - Groups should not assign this section to a student since it at most 3-5 sentences long); (4) Results (this is where you state your findings - the details, the specific language of your "existing law" and proposed change, as well as, operationalization of the proposed policy/definition of terms (i.e., meaning - what it will take to get your proposed change into law such as financing, support from concerned groups etc); (5) Discussion (this is where you explain using scientific literature other similar policies and/or if this policy exists elsewhere, as well as, identifying and addressing the expected concerns of suspected opposing interest groups; (6) Conclusions & Recommendations (this is where you can explain how the policy accomplishes the group's ideals/intent of the policy).

Data and Sources. All data (facts and figures/statistics) shall be referenced appropriately. References and in text citations shall be in APA Style format. APA Style in-text citations are required in sections 2, 4 and 5 at a minimum! All your writing shall be in your own words. No cutting and pasting of text from any source is allowed. That constitutes plagiarism. For those students that need help with proper APA in text citation and references, please see the following link: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/. Additional APA Style links and documents will be posted on the Class online site. Also, see www.refworks.com - this source is available free to FIU students and will assist you in formatting references properly in APA and other formats. An additional source https://bruteforcestudyguide.com/essaywriting/apastyle.html

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