Problem: The digitization of protected health information (PHI) has improved the healthcare industry's ability to share information efficiently and effectively.
"The right information, to the right person, at the right time, in the right place."
But with that technological advancement comes risk. Healthcare data is now one of the most valuable commodities on the black market.
Intentional and accidental security breaches can result in the exposure of massive amounts of patient data, as well as fines and penalties totaling millions of dollars.
Research a healthcare data breach occurring in the 2021 and respond to the following:
- Root cause; who, how, why, when
- Number of records breached
- Cost to the organization for recovery efforts and fines (if applicable)
- If you were the Chief Information Officer of that organization, responsible for the security and integrity of the protected data, what safeguards would you put in place to prevent further breaches (this response will require research on industry safeguard strategies)?
Provide the citation and an active link to your selected article.