
Discussion leaders will follow how students are responding



This course addresses the historical and cultural factors informing modern political issues defining relations between the U.S. and American Indians, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiians while being mindful of the Native peoples of U.S. territories in the Pacific and Caribbean. Specific topics include issues relating to governance, territorial rights, and cultural autonomy.

This course satisfies the University's US History and Government Requirement and is part of the elective requirements in the AIS B.A. and minor program.

Prerequisite: Upper division standing or consent of instructor.

Taking An On-Line Course

This syllabus details your obligations in this on-linesection of AIS 205: American Indians and U.S. Laws. The CSU and SFSU consider the syllabus your "contract" in a class - you and I are obligated to the requirements it outlines. So read itclosely and follow the directions carefully to complete the class successfully. It is your responsibility to make certain that you have a full grasp of all of the requirements. It is also your responsibility to check the iLearn course page and your sfsu.edu email account regularly for announcements and/or changes to the schedule.Be warned, an on-line course is not necessarily less work or easier than an in-class course.It is not a course in which you work at your own pace. In fact, an on-line classrequires more initiative on your part to make it meaningful and relevant to your studies and educational goals.The advantage lies in being able to complete any of the assigned work - tutorial, quizzes, readings, writings -at anytime before its due date as noted on the schedule and from anywhere you have a reliable internet connection.

Regarding Email Correspondence

On-line coursesgenerate an especially high volume of email correspondence between faculty and students. In order to manage these communications, the followingrules apply: 1) I respond to emailsduring the university's normal business hours, Monday to Friday, between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, as time allows and in the order that they are received; 2) At high impact times of the term-suchas the first or last week-itmay take me several days or even a week to respond.

I do not respond to emails that: 1) ask questions whose answers are clearly contained in the syllabus; 2) ask me why you have received a particular score or grade on a paper when you have not read my comments on the paper; 3) are disrespectful or rude. If you are feeling frustrated or angry with course requirements or a particular score/grade you have received, you should wait to email me until you can write a well-definedset of questions or comments seeking clarification or assistance.


Please note that students not completing the assignments through the last day to drop of the term risk being dropped from the class. This includes the plagiarism quiz, reading responses, and discussion forums.

By staying enrolled in the course, you agree to the following requirements.

1) Course Textbooks: There is no assigned textbooks for the class. All readings are posted as .pdf files or hyperlinks to the course page.

2) Plagiarism Tutorial and Quiz: In order to stay enrolled in the course, you are required to complete the AIS Plagiarism Tutorial and Quiz. Please refer to the schedule below for the due date/time.You are allowed one attempt on the quiz and must earn a70% or C- or better to pass. If you do not pass the quiz, you risk being dropped from the class.

Tip: Do not attempt the quiz until you have worked through the tutorial. It is not a "common sense" quiz about plagiarism, it is a quiz about SFSU policy regarding acts of plagiarism and the consequences.

3) Response Papers: Response papers are required on all assigned readings. You must adhere to the following guidelines to receive full credit:

Tip: A response paper is not an essay. You are not expected to cite from the book three times or have five paragraphs as is often expected of essays.

A. Papers must include two equal parts:

o a review of the readings. A review is not a close reading of a couple of key issues nor is it a string of quotes. It is a summary of the main argument and key topics the author addresses. The review should demonstrate how you are working through the assigned chapter(s), providing citations to the main sections you are summarizing and to specific quotes.The review is worth about half of your total response paper score.

Tip: Article titles and subheadings basically pose questions or give direction to readers.Transform the titles and topics into questions to help focus your review.

o a thoughtful, critical analysison how/why the issues addressed in the readings are important. The analysis is worth about half of your total response score.

Tip: After you have completed the review/summary, think aboutwhat issues the reading has addressed. Are there particular issues that you find important? Are there arguments or perspectives that you disagree with or were confused by? Can you compare/contrast the arguments or perspectives between authors? Can you relate the readings to other courses you have taken? What take-away points stand out to you?

B. Any citation-whether summarizing or quoting-must include the hard-copy page number or the electronic version location. Do not only include the author's name or title of the paper. You will be marked down for improper citations.

Tip: Your citation should look like this (page or locationnumber) and not like this (Smith, Chapter 1).

C. Any citations to non-course materialsmust include proper citations that follow the rules of a standard reference guide, such as Chicago or MLA. Do not cite from outside materials without include a proper citation. You will be marked down for not including proper citations to non-course materials.

Tip: Bookmark an on-line reference guide to proper citations, endnotes, and bibliographies so that you do not have to look it up every time you make a citation to non-course material.

D. Papers that are more than 15% quotes from the readings will be marked down for excessive quotation (a percentage you can view through the originality report feature of Turnitin.com).

E. Papers must be formatted according to the following rules:1" margins, single-spaced, standard font, a minimum of 1 page (600 words) and a maximum of 2 pages (1,000 words).If you do not follow these rules, your paper will be marked down. If you submit a paper under 600 words, you will not be assigned a passing score or a score greater than 6 points out of 10.

F. Your papers must be posted in iLearn by the due date and time as noted on the schedule.Uploading a paper to the assignment link must begin 10-15 minutes before the due date and time. Keep in mind that the paper is sent by iLearn to the Turnitin.com website; Turnitin.com processes the paper for originality and returns the paper and originality report to iLearn. Once the paper has been returned to iLearn, it is officially posted and the time recorded. The entire process can take as quickly as 2 minutes or as long as 15 minutes or more, depending on how many people are in the system at the time. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have reliable internet access to ensure that your papers are posted on time. With the exception ofiLearn technical difficulties, late papers are not accepted without a doctor's note.

GH. You should review my comments in addition to your scores after each paper has been evaluated. Instructions for how to view my comments and the originality report generated by Turnitin.com will be posted on the course page.

The Reading Response Checklist:

? Have I reviewed/summarized the assigned reading(s), addressing the full breadth of the author's argument and main topics?
? Have I included proper citations for paraphrasing or quoting from the reading?
? Have I included full citations for non-class materials that I have quoted or referenced?
? Have I analyzed and reflected upon the issues raised in the assigned chapter(s)?
? Have I formatted the paper properly: 1" margins, single-spaced, standard font, 600-1000 words or 1-2 pages total?

4) On-line Discussion Leadership/Participation:

A. Each week, everyone in the class will view an assigned link(s) of publicly available documentaries and/or lectures related to the issues addressed in the reading. The documentaries and lecturesvary in length; see the schedule and course page for details.

B. First Week Forum: Unlike subsequent forums, for the first week you are posting a summary of the videos and reading in a minimum of 600 words:include summary/references to both The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (10 short videos, 60 minutes) and David Wilkins and Heidi Stark, "Indigenous Peoples are Nations, Not Minorities" (2010). You are then posting a thoughtful response in a minimum of 250 words to one other student's summary. Your summary is worth 6 points and your response is worth 4 points.

C. Weeks 2-8 Forums: For Forums 2 through 8, a small group of students will serve as discussion leaders. They will post a discussion prompt based based on that week's assigned readings and videos. The rest of the class will respond to two student's questions.

1. DISCUSSION LEADERS: PROMPT: 3 to 5 students will serve as discussion leadersfor a DISCUSSION FORUM. Each student will generate one discussion promptfor that week. The prompt will be posted to the forum by Monday at 4:00 pm (the same Monday that the reading response is due).The prompt should be a minimum of 250 words, summarize the video(s), and include at least one citation to the readings.

2. DISCUSSION LEADERS: GUIDANCE: Discussion leaders will follow how students are responding to their prompts. It is expected that leaders will help guide the discussion when students are getting off track, or offer interesting or provocative observations and/or replies. It is expected that leaders will replyto at lease twostudents directly. Responses should be a minimum of 125 words and include at least one citation to the readings.

3. Each week, students not assigned as discussion leaders will respond to 2 of the discussion prompts by Thursday at 4:00 pm.The responses should be 150-250 words in lengtheachand provide at least one citation to the reading each. Each response is worth up to 5 points.

4. In order to ensure that the class is responding to each prompt posed by a DISCUSSION LEADER, limits will be placed on the total number of posts an individual prompt receives.

5. Once the discussion forum closes, no posts will be acceptedwithout a doctor's note.It is your responsibility to ensure that you have reliable internet access to post your comment and responses before the forum closes. In fact, the forums are set up so that a score cannot be assigned to posts made after the forum has closed. With the exception of iLearn technical difficulties, late posts will not be accepted without a doctor's note. The forums are worth up to 10 points each.

Discussion Forum checklist:

? Have I viewed the assigned video(s)?
? Have I commented to two discussion prompts in 150-250 words with one citation to the reading?
? Weremy comments posted to the forum before the link closed?

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History: Discussion leaders will follow how students are responding
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