Purpose: Comment the Discussion
Thing to Remember:
• Answer this discussion with opinions/ideas creatively and clearly. Supports post using several outside, peer-reviewed sources.
• 1 References, find resources that are 5 years or less
• No errors with APA format 6 Edition
To Comment
Levels of Prevention
The first level of prevention is primary. Primary prevention encourages awareness
through interventions to promote health care. As the APN, I would apply this to the Flu or
Herpes Zoster Vaccine. Basically, health promotion through education is key. Some examples of primary health care are as follows:
• Immunization to prevent disease
• Increasing Awareness of disease
• Advocation
• Health Promotion
• Screenings
• Nutrition Education
The second level of prevention is involved with treatment of early stages of disease and assisting to prevent advanced disease states and to prevent them from getting worse. As theAPN, I would apply this to a patient with STD. Some examples of Secondary Prevention are as follows:
• Case Finding Measures - Patient already has Disease
• Mass Screening Survery's
• Cure/Prevention of Spread of Disease
• Decrease period of Disability or Limit Disability Period
The third level of prevention is Tertiary when disease process is permanent or irreversible.
The focus of prevention at this stage is to prevent deterioration and assist with rehabilitation.
A patient with a stroke is a perfect example of Tertiary Prevention and as the APN I would apply this disease to a Tertiary Prevention.
• Restoration
• Rehabilitation - work with the resources they currently have until they get better.
• Education
• Therapy
• Placement