
Discussion-form of abortion is morally defensible


I do not think that any form of abortion is morally defensible. I believe that life begins at conception and that the mother has no right to take that precious life away from someone who cannot even defend themself. I know there are situations where circumstances are different, but a life is a life. This is my personal and religious based opinion and in whatever circumstance arises, this is what I would personally follow.

Saying that, I know I sound hypocritical when I say that I think abortion should be partially legal. There are only a few reasons I find that it should be legal. If the woman was raped it is their responsibility to get help as soon as possible, including health and legal help. There needs to be evidence that she was raped in order to be offered the option of an abortion, which needs to be done immediately after pregnancy is confirmed. If she doesn't do anything and finds she is pregnant later, there is no evidence she was actually raped and she is not offered that option. The other legal reason for a woman to be able to have an abortion is if there is a severe medical issue that leads to the baby being unable to be carried to full term.

One legal thing I think needs to change is that we need to make adoption more affordable and more feasible than abortion. There are people that cannot have children that would love to have a baby join their life, but saying that, I know adoption is very expensive especially for an American baby. One thing that I feel would make a huge difference is if money went to funding adoptions instead of abortion. Make the process more affordable and make it easier. Make it a better and easier choice, so we can take care of our own nation's children

Sex is seen in a different light today than it was a long time ago. Today, casual sex and hookups are deemed normal. People have sex and theres nothing that will change that.. but what can change is that people have safe sex. Prevention is key, and birth control is available at little or no cost, so people need to use it! I know accidents happen, but we all know what sex creates and we need to be smart about it. I do not think that anyone that knowingly had unprotected sex and ended up pregnant should be allowed an abortion. They made the choice and knew the results, they don't deserve an easy way out. There are other options, and personally I believe they are far better than abortion

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