Discuss the below:
Simulation of airline reservation
An airline is trying to determine the number of operators needed for the different areas of their reservation system. The reservation system first asks customers whether they want to schedule a domestic or an international flight. Sixty-five percent of the reservations are for domestic flights. Callers then have the option of choosing how far in advance they are making the reservations for. The time distribution of advance sales is given below. Based on the options the customer selects, their call is sent to a reservation operator.
Domestic Flights
Relative Frequency
RN Range
Less than 1 week
in advance
1 week to 2 months
in advance
Over 2 months
in advance
International Flights
Relative Frequency
RN Range
Less than 1 week
in advance
1 week to 2 months
in advance
2 months to 6 months
in advance
Over 6 months
In advance
Flight Type
Relative Frequency
RN Range
a. Place the appropriate random number ranges in the tables above.
b. Set up and perform a simulation for ten customers. Determine whether they want a domestic or international flight, and how far in advance the reservation is being made.
Use the random numbers from this list to represent the flight type:
.632 .218 .998 .584 .671 .744 .021 .715 .368 .185
Use the random numbers from this list to represent the advanced booking time:
.165 .621 .992 .188 .388 .109 .202 .363 .392 .384
c. Based on your simulation analysis, should the airline have more reservation operators for the domestic or international flights? Additionally, in each flight type, where should the airline put most of their reservation operators in terms of advanced booking