
Discussion-cross-tabulation and chi-square


Cross-Tabulation and Chi-Square

For PART 1, you will compose a cross-tabulation, and test a hypothesis with a chi-square and appropriate measures of association in SPSS. You will need to select two appropriate variables for this portion of the assignment. NOTE: Be sure to select an independent and dependent variable. Also remember which levels of measurement are appropriate cross-tabs and chi-square tests. If you select variables with inappropriate levels of measurement, you may lose credit on this portion of the assignment.
Your α is set at 0.05

1. Report your 1) independent variable and 2) dependent variable. In a few sentences, explain why you think your independent variable might influence the dependent variable.

2. State the null and research hypothesis using words.

3. Perform a cross-tabulation of your variables in SPSS. Also have SPSS produce column percentages. In Word or Excel, produce your own cross-tabulation table with column percentages AND row/column totals table using the information gathered from SPSS. HINT: Your independent variable should be reported as the column variable and your dependent variable should be the row variable.

4. Report (just a list) the obtained Pearson chi-square statistic, the degrees of freedom, the P-value, and the chi-square critical value.

5. Using appropriate statistical language, make a decision regarding your null hypotheses (one sentence).

6. Select and report the most appropriate measure of association for your variables. You can report lambda, Cramer's V, gamma, Kendall's tau-b or Kendall's tau-c, depending on the nature of your variables.

7. In three to seven sentences, explain what the findings from the cross-tabulation, chi-square test, and the measures of association mean in words. Make sure you use appropriate statistical language and describe what the findings indicate about people and society. You are not required to use resources, but the will strengthen your arguments.

PART 2: Regression and Correlation

In PART 2, you will perform a regression and correlation. You will need to select two appropriate variables for this portion of the assignment. NOTE: Be sure to select an independent and dependent variable. Also remember which levels of measurement are appropriate for regression. If you select variables with inappropriate levels of measurement, you may lose credit on this portion of the assignment.

1. Conduct the regression and write the complete regression equation.

2. Using appropriate statistical language, explain what the regression equation means in two to five sentences.

3. Report and label the correlation coefficient.

4. Using appropriate statistical language, interpret the correlation coefficient in one to two sentences.

5. Report and label the coefficient of determination.

6. Using appropriate statistical language, interpret the coefficient of determination.

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Basic Statistics: Discussion-cross-tabulation and chi-square
Reference No:- TGS01953040

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