Create a 150-200-word answer to the following discussion question. Use references to our readings or video material to enrich your answer.
Myth is so often thought of as a genre of ancient storytelling. However, much discussion among folklorists and anthropologists point to a continuum where by myth still plays an important role in contemporary society. One such place this can be observed is at the movies. A documentary special from the PBS series American Masters: George Lucas - Heroes, Myths & Magic (1993) makes a connection between past and present, but it was recently removed from Youtube. So, please review the following links:
The Matrix-- Joseph Campbell's Monomyth (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AG4rlGkCRU)
The Power of Myth, Episode 1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lSwTH9WI-w)
Think of a modern movie with mythological elements, such as Star Wars, The Chronicles of Narnia, or The Lord of the Rings. What lessons might these stories teach the audience?