
Discussion about united states election process

Assignment task:

In the United States election processes, there's usually two major parties and one minor party. Minor parties have several key challenges that makes it difficult for them to make a major impact. One challenge that the minor party faces is that this party will never be equally represented as the other parties, for example, the Democrats, Republicans, and Liberals. With the "winner-takes-all" electoral system is where only the candidate with the most votes wins, treating the minor party more as a buffer that an actually worth listening to and treated as equal. The two major parties make it very limited for the minor party to have any political power as well as gain. Another challenge minor parties face is lack of financial gain and media presence. This challenge makes it difficult for the minor party to run a competitive and effective campaign. With little to no funds the minor parties cannot gain the attention needed to separate themselves from other parties or stand with and compete with the major parties. Between getting on the ballot, getting the required numbers of signatures, and getting enough With the minor parties we already know how they are broken down by induvial reasons and why they exist or what they are representing but, if the minor parties came together collectively as a whole and presented their issues and views as one, they would broaden their audience. The minor parties are so small that they tend to focus on a couple to sometimes even one issue or top

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