
Discussion about the story of the bible

Problem 1: You are allowed to choose a passage of your preference from anywhere in 1 John. Your passage should contain a complete idea or story. You should not start in the middle of something or cut a unit off early. Generally, your selection should be at least 3 verses long but no longer than 10 verses. 

Problem 2: Once you have chosen your passage. You will want to read it closely, attending to its overall flow, the structure of sentences, key nouns, key verbs, and any important descriptive elements. Then you will want to consider the four contexts (immediate, literary, cultural-historical, and canonical) and see how they may inform your understanding of the passage. Remember that you can draw on the videos on "Literary Styles in the Bible," "Cultures in and of the Bible," and "The Story of the Bible" to help provide some material for these various contexts. 

Problem 3: A brief introduction that identifies your passage and explains why you chose it

  • A section that explores the details of the passage's flow, sentence structure, nouns, verbs, and descriptors
  • A section that explains the passage more fully by using two of the following contexts with connections to details in the passage: immediate, literary, historical-cultural, and canonical
  • A short conclusion that states your main takeaway from your interpretive work and how that point may apply to our time and place

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Reference No:- TGS03274533

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