
Discussion about the scientific revolution

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Prior to the Scientific Revolution, many technological experts did not believe in abstract or academic learning and technological discovers where kept at state secrets and hidden from the public. However the surplus in trading and technical problems that required careful observation, precise measurements and improved navigation began to stimulate scientific activity. With the addition of considerably new inventions and machines such as the telescope, microscope and printing press in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance made new scientific discoveries possible and inspired the spreading of innovative ideas. In a time of political, economic, social and international crisis as well as the Reformation and countless religious wars, breed and environment for heresy. As a result of this, Europeans became more confident in questioning both ecclesiastical and political realms.

The seventeenth century, a new way to view nature emerged during the Scientific Revolution. The Scientific Revolution was not associated with the same denotation that many individuals conceptualize when they hear "revolution". This revolution began in the seventeenth century and was not explosive . It did not come with a rapid overthrow of traditional authority, but rather gradually and piecemeal fashion only to be fully accepted till the nineteenth-century Enlightenment and twentieth century. The new world's view replaced traditional Greek and Roman view that had dominated science and society for almost 2,000 years. The Scientific Revolution taught Europeans to view the universe and their place in it in a new way and remains in force as the major factor in the transition to the largely secular, rational and materialistic perspective that has defined the modern Western mentality.

I believe the discovery that our solar system revolves around the sun instead of the earth is one of the few that the entire population can recall. Nicolaus Copernicus had studied both mathematics and astronomy, however he was not successful and relied on his predecessors for his data. Upon review of the Ptolemaic worldview, Copernicus felt that it failed to mention how the heavenly bodied moved and felt that this idea was too complicated. In his research, he began to dive heavily into the work of philosophers to find a differing view about the movement of the planets and spheres in the universe. He had found that Hicetas proposed the earth to move and Plutarch as well as others shared this opinion. Finding confidence in his research he had hoped his heliocentric conception would offer a simple and accurate solution to Ptolemy's complicated theory.

Copernican worldview argues that the universe consisted of eight spheres with the sun motionless at the center and the sphere of the fixed stars at the rest in the eighth sphere. This view argues that the Sun was the center of the universe and the planets including earth revolved around it, while the moon revolved around the earth.  Moreover, the earth rotated daily on its axis, while simultaneously revolving around the sun once a year. This discovery provoked uncertainty about the human role in the universe as well as God's location. Copernicus was fearful of the consequences of such an unorthodox discovery that he did not publish his works until after his death. His views were adapted by Galileo Galilei in later year and sparked a revelation in not only Astronomy but in the way society views the universe entirely.

The Scientific Revolution conceptualized numerous discoveries proceeding Aristotle, Claudius Ptolemy, and Nicolaus Copernicus. In the early years of the Scientific Revolution, the Christian Church accepted Aristotelian world view due to being easily incorporated into Christianity by explaining where God and his angels resided. Throughout the advancement of the revolution many scientist and philosophers brought upon new discoveries that refuted Aristotle's world view. The scientific revolution was responsible for shaping the universe as we know it.

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