Problem: Give your view on the following matter, agree or disagree.
After reading the Record of Cambodia's people, I have learned a great deal of information about the Cambodia people of this time. I was surprised to see that the people during this time were very open with their bodies and the freeness of their own cleanliness. The idea that a person would bath more than twice a day is something that I did not think would be a reality back then however now that I do put thought into it I could see this happening. I was shocked to see through the lens of Zhou Daguan that there were cases of people who would express romantic interests with other people of their bloodline such as the story of the "Barbarian" whom had a romantic interest with his younger sister and this really sets up the perspective that Zhou was not a fan of the Cambodian people.
Another thing that i found interesting, was that Zheng He had a perspective on other islands that he was better than the other islands and they were not afraid to show that. They did this by flaunting such a huge crew and the size of their ships. Zheng banned private trade for a while because he felt that he did not need anything from the nearby islands. I wonder why he felt the need to do this. Zheng He traveled with such a large fleet and it posed as a threat to all that flew a different flag unless they followed his orders.
I feel that after seeing the sheer numbers of people that Zheng He brought along with him quite fascinating. The 317 ships and 28,000 people must have costed an insane amount of resources to maintain and I wonder how he was able to maintain a stable amount of food and resources for that large crew? Did he value them all equally or did he select whom he would take care of first?