Discussion about the entire project formation


Please take a moment to review the Project introduction. Understanding the entire project formation as a whole will allow you the ability to understand what each portion of the project is asking on a much larger scale. Each of these small project parts are going to inevitably be placed together to complete one cohesive project.

It's time to begin the course project by "Naming your company." Choose a company that you are hypothetically creating for the project. This fictitious company needs to be identified by:



Domestic or International

Type of Partnership/Corporation

Number of employees

Years in business

Yearly revenue

Any complaints that have been lodged against the company

Any other pertinent information you deem necessary

All of information is going to be fictitious but it is important to have as a foundation for the remainder of the project to be completed.

The overview of your company needs to span in length from 1-2 pages in Word and include all pertinent information about your company.

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Project Management: Discussion about the entire project formation
Reference No:- TGS02070203

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