
Discussion about the endocrine disease/disorder

Assignment task:

Topic Discussion-Endocrine Disease/Disorder

You will need to find a peer reviewed journal research article or case study relating to the topic.  for help.

BRIEFLY summarize the article in one paragraph and give your opinion of the article in the second paragraph. The summary of the article should include the topic of the article, a description of the research method, results and researcher's conclusion (6 pts). The opinion should include your opinion of the article, your thoughts on the conclusion, how this article is applicable to the class AND a practical application of the information in the article (4 pts). Posts should be 2 paragraphs, much less than one page, and include the citation of the journal article. You must use your own words and correct grammar (2 pt). A complete journal citation AND complete internet link (if the internet was used to read the article) must be included (3 pts for completeness, 0 points for the entire topic discussion if the citation is missing). A complete citation includes the authors of the article (all of them), article title, journal title, issue, volume, year, and page numbers of the journal.

If you printed the article from the internet, please state this as part of your citation and be prepared to show me the print out in class. The DOI number IS NOT the complete URL. Avoid quotations of the article, avoid plagiarism of the article, avoid cutting and pasting (any form of plagiarism results in 0 points for the topic discussion).


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Biology: Discussion about the endocrine disease/disorder
Reference No:- TGS03288531

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