Problem: A technique called FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) can be used to detect a specific DNA sequence. In this method, A DNA sequence, such as a particular gene sequence, can be detected within an intact chromosome by using a DNA probe that is complementary to the sequence. For example, let's consider the β-globin gene, which is found on human chromosome 11. A probe complementary to the β-globin gene binds to that gene and shows up as a brightly colored spot on human chromosome 11. In this way, researcher can detect where the β-globin gene is located within a set of chromosome. Because the β-globin gene is unique and because human cells are diploid, a FISH experiment shows two bright spots per cell; the probe binds to each copy of chromosome 11.
What would you expect to see if you used a probe complementary to a tandem array near the centromere of the X chromosome?