
Discussion about testicular pain and scrotal swelling

Assignment Task: The patient is a 22-year-male with left testicular pain and scrotal swelling over the past three hours. No dysuria, no penile discharge, no fever and is able to void well. No trauma to groin. Pain 5/10. The physician orders an ultrasound. It demonstrates a testicle the is free-floating in the scrotum with the scrotum with the spermatic cord looped once around the middle of the testicle. The physician diagnosed testicular torsion. The patient was against surgical intervention and opted to try manual distortion. The patient was warmed with hot packs to loosen the scrotal skin, and the physician manipulated the testicle until the spermatic cord felt loosened. Re-ultrasound confirmed proper position, and the patient's pain was substantially relieved. The patient was sent home with a list of precautions and instructions to return with any increase in pain.

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Biology: Discussion about testicular pain and scrotal swelling
Reference No:- TGS03264133

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