Discussion about states of consciousness and memory

Assignment Task: Perform literature review and use analytical skills to write an essay.

Lecture Content - States of Consciousness and Memory


a. Choose one of the following talks to watch and analyze:

The neuroscience of psychedelic drugs, music, and nostalgia. [TedTalk Video]:

How reliable is your memory? [Video]

b. As you watch the video, you are encouraged to make notes on what was discussed.

c. Perform a database search for scientific psychology studies related to the main topics discussed in the video you selected. Choose at least three articles that interest you, which will focus on your work. Please make sure they are peer-reviewed scientific articles.

d. Write a critical analysis essay in which you discuss the topics and material in this module. Your essay should include an introduction, development of the topic, and conclusion. It must consist of information related to the chosen articles and the talk (video) you selected.

e. Your essay must be in APA style and include references.

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Reference No:- TGS03438542

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