Discussion about session on patriotism and social contract

Problem: Two of your neighbors are arguing loudly.  One is saying he intends to stock up on guns and ammo to shoot any government officer who attempts to make him pay his back taxes from the last four years.  He says, "He ain't my president.  I didn't vote for him.  I don't owe him or his government a thing!"  The other says that whether he voted for the president or not, it is treason to threaten violence against government officials and police in the performance of their duties, and traitors should be hung.  You wisely back away from the fight, but you think about the arguments and which one may have more truth.  Three paragraphs.  In one, offer a reasonable argument supporting the idea that your neighbor with the guns is morally wrong, perhaps even treasonous.  In another, offer an argument defending the choice to take up arms against one's own country, at least under some circumstances.  In the final paragraph, give your own view.  Use at least two sources from our textbook, including at least one from the session on patriotism and the social contract.

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