
Discussion about retention

Create a 4-5 typed pages by APA format;You must use References: minimum 5

Turnover & Retention In Healthcare

Web search and collect the current data on the various generations and their expectations in regards to job satisfactions and retention.

• The Matures (born before 1945) and still employed.

• Baby Boomers (1945-1965)

• Generation X (born 1966-1980)

• Generation Y (born 1980-1990)

Create a paper based on the data discussed and the expectations within the current working population in healthcare and how it affects "turnover"


• Explain where you fit in this retention picture and does your expectation mirror those of your generation.

• Read the retention plan for your department. Does it address the generational gaps in your immediate department? (I am a hemodialysis nurse.)

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Other Management: Discussion about retention
Reference No:- TGS01775895

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