Discussion about quality improvement project

Assignment Task:

My QI project is aimed at eliminating the incident of lower back injuries (LBI) among the nursing staff working at the Medical Infirmary. The current incidence of LBI is currently 6 cases occurring on monthly basis. My goal is to eliminate the incidence rate in 3 months.

I need to do a poster about your Quality Improvement Project.

  • Display the topic of the project and your name and title.
  • Articulate the aim statement.
  • Identify two concepts. Choose the most important change concepts you identified.
  • Identify the family of measures: one outcome measure, two process measures, and one balancing measure. Choose the most important measures you identified.
  • Visually display the data in a histogram, scatter diagram, cause-and-effect chart, or flowchart. Make sure the information is readable.
  • Identify the implications and impact of the project, including consequences, questions that may be raised, limitations, and how the results may influence next steps in terms of adapting, adopting, or abandoning. Include whether to adapt (change your intervention), adopt (implement as is), or abandon it (no implementation).

Refer to the materials in this week's recommended readings and resources to help you create your poster.


Then, do a 15- to 20-minute presentation that tells the story of your quality improvement project. Be sure to use the materials in this week's recommended readings to help you create your presentation.

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Other Subject: Discussion about quality improvement project
Reference No:- TGS03379705

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