Assignment Task:
If this is your first child, you probably have many questions and over think every breath and step you are currently taking. Not to worry, this what to know 101 is just for you. Let's talk about your pregnancy in stages. In the first two weeks starting from conception to implantation is the germinal stage. This is just the egg that has been fertilized attaching itself to the uterus. Life begins here as cells start to divide and your baby begins to grow. The Embryonic stage begins after the germinal stage is complete up to the eighth week. Your baby is growing from top to bottom and from the middle to the outer extremities. During this stage prenatal care is vital for your growing child's development. Major parts of the body are developing during this stage. The two major leading causes for birth defects are alcohol and tabaco. Most birth defects from using harmful substances are during the embryonic stage (find source). The ninth week will begin the Fetal period for your growing baby. Keep in mind that during this time every mother experience different minor pregnancy complication. Some of the most common are gas, nausea, back pain, and insomnia. Not to worry though, delivery will help with these uncomfortable pains. Major systems and organs are still developing and growing. Between twenty-two and twenty-six weeks your baby will reach a gestational age where he or she has their first chance of life outside the womb. Neuron cells continue to develop during this time. Your baby can now sense light and dark along with pain and movement. As you and your baby both prepare for the big day of delivery your baby is developing a layer of fat to help regulate temperature after birth. When you go into labor you will feel your contractions progress as they become more frequent. Your cervix will begin to dilate as you get ready to deliver. Your doctor will coach you through delivery as you push and bring your baby into the world. Once your child passes through the birth canal your placenta will pass as well. That is the final stage of labor. What are some questions i can ask and talk about?