Discussion Problem:
Please cite the scholarly authors to read below.
Allen, J. (2013). Assessing talent when hiring. Smart Business Network, September, 5.
Ahearn, K. & Keller, N. (2013). Freshen Up Your Resume: Tips & Fundamentals. Marketing News, October, 63.
Fried, J. (2014). Nice Resume, What Else You Got? INC., May, 80.
Kemp, K. J. et al. (2013). Using One Minute Video Resumes as a Screening Tool for Sales Applicants. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 7, 84-92.
Weber, L. (2012). Your resume vs. oblivion. The Wall Street Journal.
Tyler, K. (2014). Who yougonna call? HR Magazine, April, 85-87.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management. (n.d.). Biographical data (biodata) tests.
Ajila, C.O. & Okafor, L. (2012). Employment testing & human resource management. IFE PsychologIA, 20(2), 91-98.
Baez III, H.B. (2013). Personality tests in employment selection: Use with caution. Cornell HR Review, 1-10.
Respond to each of the following situation:
Many organizations use multiple tests or assessments in their selection plan. There are essentially two approaches to evaluating candidates using multiple assessments: the multiple hurdle approach and a compensatory model.
First, passing or "cut" scores need to be set for each test or assessment. These can be set high or low, depending on whether you would rather hire:
- More people who are less qualified - with a cut score of 60% or higher, most people will probably pass the test.
- Fewer people who are more qualified - with a cut score of 90% or higher, few people will probably pass the test.
- Alpha or Beta errors are also a factor...remember last module's Discussion Question?
In a multiple hurdle approach, candidates are "knocked out" of the selection process after every given step. Say you ask candidates to take 1) an integrity test, 2) a job knowledge test, and 3) a personality test, in that order. If Candidate A fails to achieve the cut score on the integrity test (say you'll only consider those who score at or above 85% and she scores 77%), there is no need for her to advance to the next test; she is out of consideration. If Candidate B passes the first 2 tests, but fails the personality test, he advanced further, but is still out of consideration.
In a compensatory model, candidates are allowed to take all of the tests, either simultaneously or in order. No decision is made to eliminate any candidate until all tests have been taken. Often, a composite score is created, weighing and combining scores from each test. Thus if Candidate C does well on the integrity test and the job knowledge test, but poorly on the personality test, the better scores can compensate for the worse score.
Provide a concrete example of when and why you would choose to use a multiple hurdle approach or a compensatory model. How could these approaches be combined? Need Assignment Help?
1B.Choose a job that you are interested in. For this assignment, you may relate it to your term project by choosing a movie theater job title, or you may choose an unrelated job. However, you may not choose your own current job(s).
You may work with one partner, or on your own.
Develop a test or assessment for the job. While the assessment does not have to be a written or typed test, it should not be an interview situation (interviews will be covered at length in the next module).
Start by providing:
- Job Title
- Brief Job Description
- Brief List of KSAOs (this can be presented in outline format/bullet points)
Describe your test in detail and provide a minimum of 3 sample items/questions. Be sure to:
- Describe how you will develop the test (hint - think of job analysis)
- Describe what type of test it is
- Explain when and where in the selection process it will occur and who will administer it (e.g., immediately after application vs. closer to the end of the selection process, computerized/online vs. at the jobsite, proctored vs. unproctored, HR staff vs. hiring managers, etc.). Remember to give consideration to why you made these choices
- Discuss relative costs/person hours required to administer it and how this relates to the utility of the test
- Discuss how you will address and balance any issues related to reliability, validity, applicant perceptions, fake-ability, utility, and adverse impact
Expect to take about 3-4 pages (double-spaced, 12-point font) to complete this assignment. Your work will be graded on content, clarity, creativity, correctness, and, above all, critical thinking per the HRA Written Assignment Rubric.