Discussion about movies with psychological themes

Assignment task:

For this assignment you are to choose a movie, watch it, look for psychological themes, and write a paper discussing the psychological principles illustrated in the movie.  You may pick one character and concentrate on that character (such as their personality or psychopathology) or you may choose to write about more than one character.  The movies can be either "real life" or "fantasy". There are lots of movies with psychological themes so it will not be hard for you to find one.  I have included a list of possible movies but it is far from complete - there are many other movies with psychological themes that you may analyze.

Follow these guidelines to receive the maximum number of points possible.

Start with a brief overview of the plot of movie and then do your "psychological analysis" but make sure the majority of your paper is your discussion of the psychology in the movie.

You need a minimum of three sources that are specific to the topic you are discussing.  You may use your textbook and any other reliable source (do NOT use Wikipedia, blogs, or dictionaries).  For example, if you watch a movie involving psychopathology you need to find three sources that discuss the particular pathology that you feel a character has. In this case you could use an Abnormal Psychology text or online sources about the pathology.  You do not have to only look for movies with psychopathology though, any topic in psychology such as learning, memory, motivation, group dynamics, prejudice, survival, leadership, etc. is fine.

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Reference No:- TGS03363364

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