Discussion about market type for the fitness tracker

Assignment task:

Create a first hypothesis of the "beachhead" market type for the fitness tracker that uses PoseSonic technology will be operating in using the Market Type checklist in The Startup Owner's Manual (p479). Identify the market type and indicate how to position within the market. Make sure to answer the questions listed in the Positioning section for the chosen market type as part of the narrative. New Product, Existing MarketRedefine/Resegment in an Existing MarketNew Market • Define the basis of competition. • Who is driving the existing market? • Who are the leading competitors? • Do you have some advantage or appeal among any vertical or horizontal market segment? • Define the basis of the how you want to change the market. • Who is driving the existing market you want to resegment? • Who are the leading competitors? • How will you create the market? • Estimate the cost of market creation. In the context of your chosen market, answer the questions listed in the "Vision" section of the Product Vision checklist in the The Startup Owner's Manual. (p.473)

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Marketing Management: Discussion about market type for the fitness tracker
Reference No:- TGS03431889

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