
Discussion about long-term care insurance


Create an essays:

1. What will an insurer do if it learns that an applicant misstated his or her age on a life insurance application? Buster Brow knowingly tells the insurer his age is 28 when he is actually 38. What effect will this lie have on his insurance contract? What action should the insurer if the misstatement is found out after Buster dies?

2. Long-term care insurance will be needed by an increasing number of Americans in the next few decades. But why isn't it popular now? Are there any problems with the current U.S. system to deliver long-term care? What are they? What is the purpose of long-term care insurance?

PowerPoint Presentation

Risk Management

Planning For the Futur

PowerPoint presentation. In this new section, include:

• the basic features of a life insurance contract and their purpose,

• definitions of insured, the owner, and the beneficiary,

• explanation of the insured's rights when ending a cash value life insurance policy,

• explanation of the effect of an insured's suicide on the insurer's duty to pay proceeds,

• description of the insured's right to borrow a policy's cash value,

• the five different ways a beneficiary may take proceeds after the insured's death, and

• Explanation of extra-cost options and why some are more valuable than others.

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Risk Management: Discussion about long-term care insurance
Reference No:- TGS01818323

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