
Discussion about indigenous culture and society

Assignment Task: Can you give me feedback/opinion about my writing based on history subject? (History).

This week, we analyzed the topic of warfare. Specifically the intermingling of war as a necessary part of Indigenous culture and society.

Richter's piece rectifies and challenges the stereotypical 'bloodthirsty'' native image and rebukes the ignorant European views. (Richter, 528) Europeans such as Jesuit missionary Paul Le Jeune believed, " The chief virtue of these poor pagans is cruelty, just as the mildness is that of Christians, they teach it to their children from their very cradles." (Richter, 528) Clearly, Paul's quote depicts Indigenous peoples and their beliefs in the worst light while Christianity is associated with virtues. While warfare was a vital part of Indigenous culture, 'bloodshed' per se was not. Rather, warfare remained important for social, political, religious, and economic factors for nations such as the Iroquois. Much like the nation-states of Europe, the Iroquois were prone to war with their neighbors and thus required skilled fighting men to win wars, secure territory, extract profits, maintain order, and dissuade jealous rivals. Beyond this, a young Iroquois' future station, livelihood, and love life would all be determined by their battle prowess and leadership ability. Additionally, ceremonies often revolved around warfare and death or rather, dealing with such events and the passing of grief. Richter explained, "The Iroquois believed that the grief inspired by a relative's death could, if uncontrollable, plunge survivors into depths of despair." (Richter, 531) Further analysis indicates that Indigenous cultures were not senseless, bloodthirsty savages. Rather, warfare became an exercise of psychological and spiritual resolution.

Moving on, Campbell's article recounts the surrender of Black Hawk and conducts research into the true cause of this surrender and how this can be applied to the repression of other Indigenous communities. Campbell states that in Indian country, warfare to settle disputes was a way of life for young braves and gave them the means to fulfill oaths, settle scores, or attain higher positions of honor. (Campbell, 126) European contact had greatly reduced Indigenous populations and thus infighting needed to cease. (Campbell, 126) Perhaps the common view on the surrender of Indigenous peoples ignorantly categorizes Indigenous peoples in the same field. In truth, the many warring tribes had their own reasons to fight, surrender, or negotiate and faced different geographical and economical problems than their neighbors. Even Black Hawk's coalition in the 1830s was held together by a mixture of old enemies bound by common cause.

Finally, this week's reading revealed the mutual dependency which developed due to the increased trade between European and Indigenous peoples. (Taylor, 92) Notably, this led to the adoption of alcohol in native communities. At the onset, alcohol was used as a 'short-cut' to achieve the same trance-like effects experienced after prolonged fasting. Eventually, however, many Indigenous peoples developed a dependency on alcohol leading to sporadic bouts of violence. (Taylor, 94) Taylor again extended upon the mutual dispensation of knowledge between European and Indigenous traders. The French for example, adapted to the ceremonies, feasts, and other customs associated with native trade. Indigenous tribes, on the other hand, learned how to negotiate with foreigners and avoided exploitation.

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History: Discussion about indigenous culture and society
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