
Discussion about human rights blog project

Assignment task: Human Rights Blog Project (documentary film review)

  • What main points did the film make about the subject matter?
  • Did the film seem to have an overall point of view, or purpose?
  • What kinds of sources and techniques are used to communicate the main points?
  • (think about how the film was constructed: a narrator, historians speaking, participants speaking, film footage from the historical time period, images, sounds/music, editing)
  • Were some elements or sources more effective or convincing than others?
  • How does the film correspond to or differ from what you have learned from other sources on this topic?
  • Overall reaction to the film (personal reaction, as a social scientist)
  • Were you surprised, shocked, disappointed by any parts of the film?
  • Were there notable omissions that could be included to improve the film?
  • How might others view this film (consider gender, ethnicity, cultural background, etc)?
  • Complete bibliographic citation for the film.

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Other Subject: Discussion about human rights blog project
Reference No:- TGS03283367

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