Assignment Task:
Please respond to the 2 peers below on HR metrics and analytics of their organization. Cite at least 2 scholarly authors' references. APA formats.
Lululemon is a clothing brand company that has a large number of different products to cater to their consumers wellbeing, especially when it comes down to the area of sports. The mission of Lululemon is to "deliver technical athletic apparel, footwear, and accessories for yoga, running, training, and most other activities" (Lululemon Athletica, n.d.) This company can specifically use different human resources metrics and analytics to make sure the company is performing at the top of the market and to ensure that the decisions that management is making is influential for the company. "Regardless of the size or nature of an organization, the activities it undertakes, and the environment in which it operates, its success is determined by the decisions its employees make and the behaviors in which they engage" (Mello, 2019). One of the ways in which the HR metrics and analytics can be best employed for Lululemon is by them using Employee Engagements Surveys. By using these surveys, they are able to track their employee's engagement rate. Here they can focus on their satisfaction and the specific culture of the establishment and if they are thriving within the environment as well. This company wants to ensure that their employees are striving within a positive work environment and by tracking these metrics, the company will be able to ensure that the company culture is on the top at all times.
Lululemon can use various diversity and inclusion metrics to measure these factors within the company. Here is how they can ensure that they are hiring employees from different races and backgrounds, and they will be able to prioritize different social responsibilities by tracking these various groups. By using these metrics, they will be able to improve inclusion and diversity within the company and align it with the values and goals of the company. According to the International Journal of Human Resource Management, the authors argue that if an organization is diverse, it will be more innovative. (Shen, Chanda, D'Netto, & Monga, 2009). Because Lululemon wants to expand its markets globally, they must have a workforce that is of a very diverse background.
The workplace trends and challenges that Lululemon will need to face is the employee's wellbeing within the organization. Mental Health is something that is taking a toll on many employees in the workforce, and it is becoming an issue that is very critical that needs to be addressed before it gets out of hand. If Lululemon comes into contact with this issue, then they will be able to look after their employees and ensure that they are in the best mental space when they are coming to work to interact with consumers. This can be a challenge because the company will need to find a way to provide support to all of their employees who may come from different ways of life or diverse backgrounds. Another trend that this company needs to face is the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the organization. "For a majority of employed U.S. adults (56%), focusing on increasing DEI at work is a good thing, according to a new Pew Research Center survey" (Minkin, 2023). They need to make sure that every employee is heard from and that their opinions are taken into account. They must ensure that they address both their corporate and retail structures when tackling DEI initiatives. To remain competitive, Lululemon, which has a large customer base, must ensure that its diversity strategies are robust and consistently implemented.
In conclusion, Lululemon can use various metrics and analytics to engage their employees in different ways, to ensure that they are being diversified, and to take a look and focus on the mental health of their staff. They are going to have to use strategic planning to tackle the various challenges that they may face and the different trends that will come about within the market. By doing this, Lululemon will be able to be successful within the market that they are currently thriving in. Need Assignment Help?
Lululemon Athletica. (n.d.). Lululemon corporate. Lululemon.
Mello, J.A. (2019). Strategic human resource management 95th ed.). Cengage Learning Inc. ISBN-13: 978-1-337-61999-8
Strategic human resource management (5th ed.). Cengage Learning Inc. BN-13: 978-1-337-61999-8
Minkin, R. (2023, May 17). Diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. Pew Research Center.
Shen, J., Chanda, A., D'Netto, B., & Monga, M. (2009). Managing diversity through human resource management: An international perspective and conceptual framework. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(2), 235-251.
Starbucks faces several challenges in managing its workforce, particularly around labor uncertainty. One key area where the company uses HR metrics and analytics is in understanding employee turnover and retention. According to Johnson (2024), Starbucks relies on HR metrics such as turnover rates and employee satisfaction surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of its workplace policies and improve employee retention. This data plays a crucial role in helping Starbucks adjust its HR strategies, particularly during periods of labor uncertainty. By identifying trends, adjusting policies, and reallocating resources, the company ensures a motivated and stable workforce (Johnson, 2024).
In addition, Starbucks uses predictive analytics to forecast staffing needs and optimize workforce deployment. By analyzing historical data on sales and employee performance, Johnson (2024) explains that Starbucks can adjust staffing levels in real-time to meet customer demand without overstaffing or understaffing. This data-driven approach allows the company to remain efficient and agile, which is essential during uncertain labor periods when flexibility is key. By analyzing customer behavior and preferences, Barsky (2021) highlights how Starbucks leverages predictive analytics and machine-learning algorithms to enhance its customer loyalty programs, such as the Starbucks Rewards membership. This predictive analytics is key in workforce management and customer relations, helping Starbucks optimize staffing levels in real-time and drive revenue through personalized customer experiences.
As Mello (2019) highlights, organizations like Starbucks need to invest in HR-related activities to increase profitability and maintain a competitive advantage. Starbucks' use of HR metrics to understand labor needs and retention is a prime example of how HR can be strategically leveraged to gain an edge over competitors. However, one challenge companies like Starbucks face is measuring human capital, which is not as easily quantifiable as physical assets. Starbucks tackles this challenge by focusing on indirect metrics such as employee satisfaction and turnover rates, contributing to the company's profitability and competitive position (Mello, 2019).
Starbucks must focus on changing workplace trends, especially regarding flexibility and employee well-being. Workers in the service industry are increasingly seeking remote work options, flexible schedules, and strong benefits, according to Forbes (2024). For Starbucks to remain competitive and attract top talent, it must address these growing expectations. Additionally, labor shortages may impact operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, posing further challenges for the company's HR strategies and workforce management. Barsky (2021) underscores Starbucks' commitment to investing in technology, particularly predictive analytics and automation, to improve customer loyalty and operational efficiency. This focus on digital transformation and data-driven decision-making is crucial in addressing staff shortages and adapting to evolving employee needs.
Mello (2019) notes, HR professionals must be adaptable to the ever-changing labor environment. Starbucks can benefit from fostering an HR department comfortable navigating social responsibility and sustainability issues. By adjusting HR strategies to meet these evolving demands, Starbucks can stay ahead of its competitors, attract top talent, and meet employee needs. Barsky (2021) suggests that Starbucks' success in digital transformation, including predictive analytics and customer loyalty programs, is integral to maintaining its competitive edge in a tech-driven world. These technological advancements also contribute to more efficient HR practices and a stronger connection between employee satisfaction and customer engagement.
Furthermore, managing diversity within the workforce presents a significant challenge for Starbucks. Diversity is increasingly recognized as a key factor in employee satisfaction and retention. Foster et al. (2006) examine the challenges retail managers face when implementing diversity management practices. According to Foster et al. (2006), line managers often struggle to understand and implement diversity initiatives, worrying that these efforts might be perceived as unfair or lead to allegations of unequal treatment. Starbucks is focused on expanding its diversity initiatives, which require effective communication and support for managers. This can be achieved through training, mentorship, and guidance. Aligning these efforts with employee expectations, legal requirements, and core values will foster a more inclusive work environment.
Barsky, N. (2021, November 16). Starbucks just set two digital transformation marks that cannot be ignored. Forbes.
Foster, C., & Harris, L. (2006). Easy to say, difficult to do: Diversity management in retail. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27(7), 717-741.
Johnson, C. M. (2024). A sip at a time: Labor uncertainty within Starbucks. University Honors, UC Riverside.
Mello, J.A. (2019). Strategic human resource management (5th ed.). Cengage Learning Inc. ISBN-13: 978-1-337-61999-8