Discussion about following the tao

Assignment Task:

Submit Reflection [Unit 1]: "Following the Tao"

The Tao (also spelled "Dao") is not just difficult to understand fully, it is impossible. The opening stanza of the Tao Te Ching tells us this when it says:

The tao that can be told

is not the eternal Tao

The name that can be named

is not the eternal Name.

If something can be named, or labeled, then it cannot be the essential Tao, at least not in its entirety. This can make analyzing the Tao TeChing, quite difficult. This week, I ask you to take on that challenge and dig into the Tao Te Ching by looking at Taoism's influence on Chinese art, including calligraphy. After either reading the primary text of the Tao Te Ching or listening to the audio of the text provided in module 3, compose a unified essay (NOT a list of questions and answers) that addresses these three things: First, express in your own words what you believe the Tao is. Secondly, describe the concept of  "Wu Wei" and how it influences Chinese arts such as calligraphy? In order to answer these questions successfully, you will need to directly quote and properly cite both the primary source of the Tao Te Ching and the "School of Life" video about Wu-Wei provided in Module 3.

Required Sources/ Citations:

1. Tao Te Ching primary source (I will attach additional PDF documents)

2. "Wu Wei" School of Life Video (YouTube Video)

Total Required Sources = 2

In addition to these required sources, you may also choose to quote/ cite your textbook or any other video contained in Module 3.

Important Notice: The purpose of Reflection questions is to demonstrate that you have completed the assigned readings, videos, and other materials for the week and have attempted to understand and reflect on the material. To accomplish this, be sure to offer analysis rather than merely summary and include specific quotes and examples from the assigned materials, including the textbook, to support your ideas. Be sure to include citations to identify where the information came from. When discussing the material, it is important to identify where your supporting evidence comes from by citing the names of assigned articles and videos and providing page numbers for information from the textbook. It is also best to use direct quotations from the assigned materials whenever possible.

Since Reflection questions are meant to explore your personal interactions with the assigned materials, no outside materials are allowed (or necessary). This is not a research assignment. This means you are not to use the internet at all. Do not simply google the question and copy what comes up. If any sources are used beyond those that are assigned and provided, significant points will be deducted.

Weekly reflection responses must reach a minimum of 500 words and present a clear main idea (thesis) supported by specific examples from the assigned materials themselves. Since this is a Gordon Rule course, it is required to demonstrate college-level writing skills; therefore, grammar, sentence structure, and word choice will also be a factor in grading. Reflection responses should be in MLA format including a works cited page and citations in the text of the response itself which identifies where each source was used. This includes material that is quoted directly and material that is summarized in one's own word.

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