Assignment Task:
Respond to at least two colleagues by providing respectful feedback on their solution to the scenario. Also describe how a different type of power than the one they chose could be beneficial.
Use the Learning Resources to support your posts. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Post a potential solution to the ethical scenario that draws on ethical leadership and the NASW Code of Ethics.
A leader must be genuine, considerate of the opinions of others, and honest by being forthright and portraying the truth. Since telling the whole truth might be harmful or unproductive, it is essential to strike a balance between being open and honest while keeping an eye on appropriate disclosure. This calls for striking a balance between sensitivity and honesty (Northouse, 2020). In the given scenario, I would accept the organization's directive while also acknowledging my ethical duty as a leader to act with honesty and openness while adhering to the NASW Code of Ethics, particularly the value of Integrity .Social workers act honestly and responsibly and promote ethical practices on the part of the organizations with which they are affiliated (NASW,2021). Instead of confiding in Jerry directly, I would steer the discussion in a way that promotes thoughtful decision-making while maintaining secrecy. Taking this approach would urge Jerry to think twice before making a significant financial commitment, but it does not reveal any private layoff plans. In order to avoid unnecessary hardship, I would also internally push for the leadership team to communicate impending changes to personnel in a timely and moral manner. In our text Northouse has a similar example and encourages leaders to balance honesty with appropriate discretion. The challenge for a leader is to strike a balance between being open and candid and at the same time monitoring what is appropriate to disclose in a particular situation (Northouse,2020).
Provide justification for your choices using a specific NASW ethical standard. Need Assignment Help?
Standard 4.04 (Dishonesty, Fraud, and Deception) of the NASW Code of Ethics (2021b) prohibits social workers from acting dishonestly, fraudulently, or deceptively. Even though I am bound to organizational confidentiality, I also have an ethical responsibility to ensure that my communication with Jerry does not mislead or cause harm through omission. By offering Jerry a cautionary statement, I uphold honesty while maintaining professional integrity.
Additionally, explain the type of power you would utilize in achieving the solution.
Legitimate power was defined as associated with having status or formal job authority(Northouse,2020.) Legitimate power, which is derived from the role and authority within the organization. As a leader, I have the responsibility to enforce policies while also ensuring ethical practices. I would use my position to push for ethical decision-making at the executive level, advocating for a transparent communication strategy about the impending layoffs. This approach upholds integrity while maintaining professional and organizational responsibilities.
National Association of Social Workers. (2021). Code of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers
National Association of Social Workers. (2021b)Social Workers' Ethical Responsibilities as Professionals.
Northouse, P. G. (2020). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (5th ed.). SAGE
In the scenario where Jerry might lose his job yet is planning to purchase a house, I would approach this ethically challenging situation with transparency and compassion, aligning with ethical leadership principles and NASW ethical standards. Ethical leadership demands honesty, respect, and fairness in interactions, ensuring that personal actions support organizational integrity (Northouse, 2020). Despite management's instruction for silence, Jerry's financial well-being and family responsibilities justify a confidential yet honest response. According to NASW's Code of Ethics, social workers must maintain integrity, specifically stated in ethical standard 4.04, which emphasizes honesty in all professional relationships (NASW, 2021).
In handling this ethically, I would suggest to Jerry that, given the uncertain economic climate, he carefully evaluate his financial plans without directly disclosing sensitive organizational decisions prematurely. By doing this, I demonstrate commitment to transparency and respect, protecting Jerry from potential harm while upholding my professional obligations and confidentiality of organizational decisions.
Additionally, I would address my concerns with leadership, advocating for more transparency while ensuring that employees have resources for transition support. Ethical leadership means considering both organizational and individual well-being rather than prioritizing secrecy over staff welfare. This approach aligns with the value of integrity in the NASW Code of Ethics, which emphasizes truthfulness in professional relationships (NASW, 2021).
I would utilize referent power in this scenario, which is power gained through trust and respect earned from others due to ethical actions and integrity (Northouse, 2020). Jerry's willingness to confide in me indicates existing trust and respect. Leveraging referent power ethically helps reinforce my credibility as a compassionate and trustworthy leader who prioritizes ethical responsibilities to my colleagues while aligning with NASW standards and ethical leadership.
National Association of Social Workers. (2021). NASW code of ethics.
Northouse, P. G. (2020). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (5th ed.). SAGE.