
Discussion about economic or financial variables

Problem: Based on received data and identified variables you are required to: write the essay in sections, e.g., Introduction, Methodology, and Results, Conclusion.

You are expected to choose any topics that consist of economic or financial variables.  The topics that have been chosen should be according to the time series data analysis. Use evidence from the literature review on the relationship between the stated variables. Then based on the collected literature, clearly verify your expected sign for the chosen variable.

In Methodology, you may verify, and the econometrics tools which can be applied to your data such as unit root tests, cointegration, VAR or VECM Models, and forecasting. In the Result section, you may perform the above-mentioned models and in conclusion, you conclude your report and may provide some recommendations.

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Econometrics: Discussion about economic or financial variables
Reference No:- TGS03313054

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