Discussion about current events portfolio

Assignment task: Current Events Portfolio

Objective: The purpose of this assignment is to engage students with current events related to the course content and encourage them to critically analyze, reflect, and synthesize this information into a paper. This activity will help students connect theoretical knowledge with real-world applications, enhancing their understanding of the course material.

Assignment Overview: Students will  examine current events relevant to the course.  Your entry should include a summary of the event, an analysis of its relevance to the course topics, and a personal reflection. This should demonstrate a deep understanding of the course content and its application to contemporary issues. How will you do this? First, select an event, something that you are seeing in the news now...maybe it would be Student Mental Health. Next do some research, what are you seeing in the news? Cite at least 2 reputable sources- this might be journals or news articles. You will summarize these (follow rubric) then analyze the event in the context of the course materials, and include your reflection on it.


Format (3-4 pages each):

Title: Provide a title for the entry that reflects the event and its relevance. Be creative! This might be something that is a 1 time event or something that is an ongoing issue you would like to address.

Summary: Summarize the current event, or ongoing issue including essential details such as who, what, when, where, and why. (Approx. 1 page)

Analysis: Analyze the event in the context of the course. Discuss how it relates to specific theories, concepts, or topics covered in the course. Use evidence from course readings, lectures, and external sources to support your analysis. (Approx. 1 pages)

Reflection: Reflect on your personal reaction to the event and its significance. Consider questions such as: How does this event impact your understanding of the course material? What are the broader implications? How might this event influence future developments in the field? (Approx. 1 page)


You need at least 2 articles that cite the "event" these should be from reputable sources (Peer-reviewed journals; government agencies, universities or educational institutions, established news organizations)

Use at least three sources from the course for the current event- this should be from the course materials provided.

Cite all sources in APA format both in-text and in the reference list.

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Reference No:- TGS03440856

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