Discussion about charge of issuing marriage licenses

Assignment task:

Salina Douglas works for the county courthouse and is in charge of issuing marriage licenses. She objects to same sex marriage due to her personal moral beliefs and every time she issues a license to a same sex marriage she verbally tells the couple that they are the reason the United States is in decline. When her supervisor learns of this, she tells Salina to stop, but Salina persists. Salina loses her job at the county clerk's office as a result. Which of the following factors is most likely to defeat a claim by Salina that her free speech rights were violated? a. She made these comments during the course of her job and her employer's interest in operating effectively outweighed her interest in commenting on this issue of public concern. b. She lives in a state in which 80% of people approve of the right of same-sex couples to marry, so she is voicing a minority opinion. c. She was not commenting on an issue of public concern. d. She was given a warning.

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Other Subject: Discussion about charge of issuing marriage licenses
Reference No:- TGS03404653

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