
Discussion about acute care rehabilitation center

Case Scenario:

You are the staff development director of an acute care rehabilitation center. The center has gone through some recent expansions resulting in "growing pains." The staff has doubled in size in the last six months. The Director of Nursing approaches you with a problem. The client satisfaction scores have decreased significantly in the past six months, and she shows you quotes from clients that need to be addressed. She has given you the task of creating a column in the hospital newsletter focusing on positive intra- and inter-professional communication strategies.


From the list of survey quotes provided below create a column for the hospital newsletter to assist in understanding positive intra- and inter-professional communication strategies.

Quotes from Client Satisfaction Surveys

1. "Everyone was very nice to me, but they are not always so nice to each other. I felt badfor some of the nurses. Staff would roll their eyes at each other when they thought no onewas watching."

2. "It did not seem as if the staff all talked to each other. One nurse did not even know I wasallowed to walk on my foot with all my weight."

3. "The Unit was very pretty and comfortable. However, the staff always looked rushed andwas hollering at each other to get things done. I even heard someone say, 'I don't carehow you get it done, but do it now. I don't have time to babysit you.'"

4. "I was very upset when the doctor told my nurse that she needed to go back to school andlearn to read. I know I can never read what he writes."

5. "My therapy was great. Everyone works very hard to help me get better and go home onschedule. However, the physical therapist was never happy with my nurses, saying thatthey needed to medicate me so that I could do more. He did not know that I refused themedicine because it makes me feel funny. I just asked for ice."

6. "The food was great. I did not like getting woken up at 11 pm for the nurses to talk tome, but I was told that is required. I agreed, but when the one nurse left, the other nursesaid that 'only some nurses do this, that one is very rude and makes everyone wake youup. You can refuse next time. I won't care.' I never refused, as I felt if it was a rule, thenI did not want any nurses getting in trouble. They all work hard."

7. "I had a great stay. I healed well and always felt at home in my room. I will be back whenI have my second knee replaced, but I hope at that time the staff works together more. Ihad a nurse aide ask occupational therapy for assistance with moving me to the bathroom, and the therapist told her to ask the nurse, as she is not responsible for helping with thosethings. She also asked, 'how come you do not know how to do it? Are you a new aide?What is the issue? Ask the nurse.' My aide was very upset, and I told her I would wait.She got another aide to help her, and it was fine."

8. "During my team meeting for discharge, the physical therapist offers opinions outside ofhis turn to talk about me going home, and my doctor responded saying, 'I don't have timeto talk with everybody about issues. We have to keep things moving.' I felt bad for mytherapist; he was trying to make sure I had what I needed to go home. Thankfully, I stillgot to go home. If I do come back, I do not want that doctor again. I now you have manyother ones."

9. "I overheard my occupational therapist talking to the housekeeper. The housekeeper said,'I guess you don't have to like me, and I don't have to like you. We have to worktogether. I will get to it when I am done here. Anyway, you're not my boss.'"

10. "I was coming back from my dinner, and there was an x-ray tech at the desk. He askedfor help finding me since I was not in my room. The nurse at the desk said, 'You're notthe only person asking me for help, you know. It's not like I'm sitting around doingnothing. Just wait, I am sure she is at dinner.' I grabbed the gentleman and said, 'here Iam.' We got my x ray, and I apologized for the nurses' rude comments. He said, 'don'tworry, happens all the time.' How awful

  • Chose two intraprofessional communication examples from the list of survey quotes. For each example describe:
  • Consequences of the poor communication strategy.
  • Propose a communication strategy to promote intra-professional communication and to create a therapeutic environment.
  • Support your ideas with evidence.
  • Chose two interprofessional communication examples from the list of survey quotes. For each example describe: Consequences of the poor communication strategy.
  • Propose a communication strategy to promote inter-professional communication and to create a therapeutic environment.
  • Support your ideas with evidence.
  • Please provide detailed and thorough responses. Provide sources cited. Please do not copy from someone else's work. Thank you

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Reference No:- TGS03380074

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