
Discussion 2 massacre at chios by eugene delacroix is

Attached, I am including two different analysis which needed a ‘thoughtful' and ‘substantial' follow ups responses (no shorter than four hundred words each), I mean in the responses should show evidence of having read and thought about the post you're responding to and should then contribute something new - a supporting example, an extension of the argument or line of thought, a disagreement along with an explanation of why you disagree, etc.

Massacre at Chios, by Eugene Delacroix is painted in rich, deep colors creating drama
and emotion within the scene. The characters in the painting are depicted, in their
suffering, as casualties of war. They're trampled, lying in heaps as a sword wielding
horseman appears to cause more pain. A soldier carrying a gun stands in the
background watching over the wounded. The blank faces of the devastation and
tragedy in this painting, along with the spilled blood and mangled bodies invoke the
deep feelings of the viewer and are indicative of the Romantic period. The more
realistic, natural appearance in this work are of mimetic technique.
While Gernica, by Pablo Picasso, is also a work of art depicting the horrors of war, the
style differs greatly from Delacroix's Massacre at Chios. Picasso has
painted Guernica with strong linear effects and in black and white. The characters in
the painting are also trampled and defeated but this painting, in my opinion, doesn't
trigger as much emotion from the viewer. Picasso also uses symbolism with the bull as
it is symbolic of Spain. The abstraction, symbolism and lack of color used in this painting
are all traits of a Modernistic painting and an abstract technique.
Annabel Lee, by Edgar Allan Poe, tells of the love and death of a woman. These two
emotions are the extremes that indicate the Romantic era. This poem is constructed
with perfect rhymes and the stanzas make it a "sing-songy" piece. The syntax and
rhyming make it easy to read, understand, memorize and repeat. The imagery and the
refrain "Kingdom by the sea" make the reader envision the location. This piece
indicates the deep love the narrator had for Annabel Lee and his sorrow for the loss of
his love. In true Romantic period style, the reader can feel the emotion of the Persona.
The poem by E.E. Cummings, anyone lived in a pretty how town is a similar tale of the
death and love between a man and a woman. It vastly differs in the way it is written
and recited. The syntax is totally different than the Poe poem as reviewed above. This
work is composed of quatrains and they're more difficult to read as there are far less
rhymes. The poem seems colder as the Imagery makes the reader aware that the
people of the town were totally uncaring. This poem is much harder to summarize as it
is an example of the poetic style of the Modernist period.
In my opinion, the mimetic technique seems strongest in the Romanticism
works, Massacre at Chios and Annabel Lee. These two works of art are emotional pieces
that make the viewer or reader actually feel the pain of death and tragedy. I
understand that art is subjective so this is my opinion only. The Romantic way of
representation is more of a realistic approach. The paintings are created with depth and
color, ie., blood is red and easier to feel and see the pain through the bloodshed in the
paintings of war and death. The facial expressions are more understandable in the
Romantic works. The syntax of the poems of the Romantic period seem to be easier to
feel as well. The Modernistic approach seems colder with the lack of color and the
poetry's lack of assonance. The strengths of the Romantic way of representing the
human experience of world is the mimesis, or natural appearance of objects depicted
and the emotions that these natural displays tend to pull out. A weakness could be that
the imitation of realistic scenes may seem imperfect. A strength of abstraction could be
that only the most essential elements of an item or person are presented. The
important features are abstracted, whether it's visual or verbal, leaving less clutter. The most valuable in the impulse to mimesis is the natural attributes given to humans.
I feel it pulls the most emotions from the viewer or reader. The most valuable to
abstraction is that it can be vague and can be more loosely interpreted. Discussion 3
The painting Guernica by Pablo Picasso and "Massacre at Chios" Eugene Delacroix both
represent anti-war positions. "Guernica" was painted in response to the bombing of
Guernica, Spain by the Nazi's and "Massacre At Chios" was painted in response to a
massacre that occurred in Chios, Greece by the Islamic Empire. While Delacroix uses
atmospheric perspective to draw attention to bring attention to the civilians in the
forefront of the painting, Picasso's painting does not. Images in "Guernica" overlap each
other, creating a visual perspective. Using this technique two images are hidden behind
the others. One is a human skull that appears on the body of the horse, located in the
center of the painting. While the other is a bull that forms out of the horse. Additionally,
Delacroix painting of the civilians depicts two pyramids in the formation of their body's.
While both painting use separate styles to depict the horrors of war, both accurately
depict it. Both show the devastation that follows war. Both painting show women,
children and men injured because of war.
In the poem's "anyone lived in a pretty how town" written by E. E. Cummings and
Annabelle Lee written by Edgar Allen Poe both depict the love of two men for women in
their life's. A man named anyone shares a strong love with noone and Edgar Allen Poe
depict his love for Annabelle Lee. The love of anyone and noone sparked the people of
their town to begin caring about other people; where they previously didn't. While the
love for Annabelle Lee became the envy of everyone that led to her death. Both poems
utilize repetition, Edgar Allen Poe repeats Annabelle Lee throughout the stanzas of the
poem. Cumming's repeats sun moon stars rain throughout the poem.

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