
Discussion- what was your thinking process that helped you

Discussion 1

Based on your own experiences as an educator, what you have learned as you have developed professionally, the information you learned from your interviews, and what you have read, describe three strategies you believe would be effective for promoting inclusiveness and welcoming diversity in your educational setting.

• What was your thinking process that helped you determine that these strategies might be effective in your setting?
• What evidence do you have to support your conclusion that these strategies might be effective?
• How would you apply the strategies you identified in your own educational setting?


In some educational settings, diversity and multiculturalism are given very little consideration. In other settings, they are celebrated as a special event (for example, a multicultural food celebration). In still other settings, diversity and multicultural approaches are embedded in curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

• Describe how diversity and multiculturalism are approached in your educational setting.
• What benefits can you identify in implementing a multicultural approach to curriculum, instruction, and assessment in your setting?
• What challenges do you foresee in implementing a multicultural approach to curriculum, instruction, and assessment in your setting?

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Dissertation: Discussion- what was your thinking process that helped you
Reference No:- TGS02454702

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