
Discussion- most unforgettable person- how do the physical

Discussion- Most Unforgettable Person

Write a two-page character sketch based on the journal entry you just completed about your "Most Unforgettable Person" and post it to the discussion forum as an attached Word document.

Here is a suggested approach. (Feel free to come up with your own approach - or work out a new approach with your instructor.)

1. Present your person by putting yourself into the sketch. In other words, use the approach that Palmer Hall uses in the first two paragraphs of Boatmen's Dreams. (Only the first two paragraphs!) Example: "One day when my father took me fishing way out past the island into the deeper waters of Appalachicola Bay." Palmer then goes on to show his father in action. That's what you can do with your character.

2. As you write the sketch, go to your journal and sift through the writing to find material for your sketch, especially from your 10 minutes of "free writing." If you described the person's physical traits and personality in your journal, use that too.

3. Your whole sketch could revolve around a single memorable incident - or maybe around a time of your life.

4. When you are finished, go back and reread and make corrections. Ask someone else to read your sketch and, as needed, insert their suggestions. Apply the checklist from your textbook to the sketch. (The checklist is in the section, "Interviewing Skills.")

After you post your character sketch (as an attached Word document), click open and read the character sketch of one other student. Comment on the following:

• How do the physical description, actions, and dialogue bring out the person's personality?

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Dissertation: Discussion- most unforgettable person- how do the physical
Reference No:- TGS02301170

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